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COMING SOON: The Wine Goddess & The Garden

Mary Lee Harrington, aka The Wine Goddess, is also quite adept at cultivating daylilies. She’s been hybridizing the beautiful creations since 2014 and now has more than 600 in our Belvidere backyard. Every July, the landscape bursts with these gorgeous blooms of color – purple and gold, crimson and saffron yellow, blood orange and white. […]

Flavor of the day, Uncategorized

Wine’s calorie counting days are here: New EU law requires nutrition labels on bottles. Is U.S. next?

Healthy wine drinking is happy wine drinking. And European Union wine producers are doing their best to give consumers the information they need to make healthy, informed wine choices. As of December 23, 2023, all labels on wine sold in the EU are required to list the  calorie content on the physical wine bottle label. […]

Italian, Uncategorized

Wine critic Antonio Galloni shines the sportlight on Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG

According to my Italian Wine Scholar textbook, Italy’s Vino Nobile di Montepulciano red wine has enjoyed great fame for centuries. French philosopher Voltaire mentioned it in his famous 18th-century work “Candide.” Famed novelist Alexander Dumas wrote about it in “The Count of Monte Cristo.” And Thomas Jefferson, America’s third president, lauded it as his favorite […]

General Wine, Must Try, Uncategorized

Think ‘pink’ for Kentucky Derby weekend with elegant rose`

(Click the link to watch the Grapefully Yours Wine Podcast on where Jim Campanini and co-host Mike Pigeon drink and discuss rose` wines.) ——————————————————————————————- The best three-year-old thoroughbreds in the world will be running for the roses on Saturday at Churchill Downs in the 149th edition of the Kentucky Derby The race goes […]

Flavor of the day, French wines, Uncategorized

‘Alsace Rocks’: Frothy Cremant, crisp Riesling, and spicy Gewurztraminer are tastes for all seasons

  If Sisyphus pushed “Alsace Rocks” uphill, he’d have made it to the summit and ended an eternity of futility. So the Greek myth survives to this day while “Alsace Rocks” is cresting – a nod to the unique red and white wines from one of France’s most unique terroir-driven regions. “People in Europe don’t want […]