The 2012 vintage is Doubleback’s best to date, and a signed bottle I donated to the Warren Shaw-led Radiothon brought in $1,500. Kudos to Ernest Linuk, a Billerica attorney, who made the generous purchase for a great cause. It’s the second time in three years that Linuk has been a successful Doubleback bidder.
Since 2013, Bledsoe-signed bottles have brought in a total of $4,700 for the Salvation Army.
A year ago, then-Chancellor Marty Meehan posted the winning bid of $1,500 for a 2011 Doubleback.
In 2013, Linuk ponied up $1,000 for a 2009 Doubleback in a spirited bidding contest with Lowell’s Steve Gendron, who graciously donated his “losing” bid of $700 to the charity.
Other signed bottles from prior years, including two Silver Oak Cabernets signed by Gov. Charlie Baker and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, have produced charitable donations of nearly $3,000.
For the next radiothon, I’m already working on something special from Doubleback. Cheers!
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